A photograph of the Supernatural

William Branham with the
Pillar of Fire above his head.
This amazing photograph was taken of Brother William Branham in houston, Texas, in January of 1950, by the Douglas Studios. It was taken during the same campaign in which Brother Bosworth brought to him the prayer request of Florence Nightingale, whose story is told in the chapter telling how William Branham decided upon a visit to South Africa.
When the photographers, Mr. James Ayers and Mr. Theodore Kipperman, developed the picture they were amazed to find the evidence of a light above the head of Rev. Branham. Never had they seen anything like it before and none of them could understand the presence of this halo. The following day they contacted Brother Branham and the others in his party. It was then explained to them that pictures similar to this one had been taken before but never had the light been so definite as it was in this photo.
The negative was taken to George J. Lacy, Examiner of Questioned Documents, in order to ascertain whether or not the light over the head of Brother Branham could be the result of improper exposure, developing or retouching. Mr. Lacy agreed to examine the negative and then give his opinion concerning it. At the appointed time when he was to have his examinations completed and his conclusions formed, he came out into his waiting room where members of the Branham party, press agents and others were waiting. Stepping into the room he asked which one was William Branham. Brother Branham rose to his feet and made his identity known. Mr. Lacy said, "Rev. Branham, you will die like all other mortals but as long as there is a Christian civilization, your picture will live on."
This picture is now copyrighted, a photograph of a supernatural being. A copy of it hangs in one of the halls of Washington, D. C.