Movie of William Marrion Branham

A screenshot from the interview
with W.M. Branham
VZH has composed a movie on video in 1984, which includes William Branham's biografy, an interview with him and a look into one of his meetings. Interview and meeting were taken on 16mm film in 1953.
Also the sermon "As The Deep Calleth To The Deep" was added. This meeting, where the gift of discernment operates and prayer is offered for the sick, was taken on 16 mm film in 1954.
In 1992 the film was modified and remastered. At the moment the movie is available in English, French, German, Norwegian, Polish and Slovak (VHS, PAL system).
The English version of this movie is also available on the American video system (VHS, NTSC) and on DVD-video (3.95 GB / MPEG-2 / Linear PCM). On an appropiate computer with a DVD/CD-ROM player you should be able to play the film on your computer screen from the DVD.