10 May 2012
Events started escalating after an appointment at the doctor for a subcutaneous infection at the base of my big toe. He cut the blister open and prescribed an antibiotic.
At home, my daughter noticed some unusual behaviour in me and suspected diabetes. Indeed, the week before, I had suffered a black-out but being ignorant about diabetes, thought it resulted from high blood pressure.
I was admitted to hospital with a blood-sugar level of 30!!(norm is between 4 and 6). Here I received daily 100mg metformina (diabetes medicine) and 4insuline injections, besides a new medicine for high blood pressure. The wound on my foot was opened, this time from underneath and thoroughly cleansed; the infected tissue was cut away, leaving a wound of 7 by 5cm big and 1.5cm deep, reaching to the bone.
One week later I was dismissed with my foot in plaster and in a wheelchair. I had to continue with the medicine.
4days later I was readmitted; the wound had degenerated into a festering stinking infection that had so rapidly worsened that the doctors advised amputating the big toe and all infected tissue around the area. At this time prayer was offered for me in our meeting. A few days later the doctors decided not to amputate.
But then I turned out to be allergic for the blood-pressure medicine I had started taking when I was first admitted to the hospital. I ended up in the intensive care dept. with my tongue swollen to the size of a tennis ball. I received oxygen through a tracheostoma ( pipe placed in a hole surgically made in the windpipe). I wouldn’t have survived if the doctor had tarried! God, rich in mercy, also carried me through this, so I could finally leave the hospital after a week, with my foot intact.
At our meeting I was anointed with oil and again prayed for. About a week later I was able to stop taking the metformine and, 6months later, the insulin injections were no longer necessary. My daughter returned the remaining insulin to the pharmacy where the assistant exclaimed that it was normally impossible to stop taking insulin. But, praise the Lord, God makes the possible from the impossible!
The wound steadily improved and the vascular surgeon, with whom I had a weekly appointment, admitted that he had had a negative anticipation at first but was now amazed at the speedy recovery.10 months later, this surgeon resolved to amputate the big toe after all as he thought the healing had come to a halt. We refused the amputation. Bro. Harry and the elders from our meeting prayed for me ...God doesn’t leave a job half done! 3months later the wound was completely healed!! At last the wheel chair could be returned to the handicap facility.
This testimony is for the honour and glory of God.