30 December 2014
Seven translated sermons have been added, and with this update all sermons starting from 1963 are available online in the Dutch language.
The index has been updated with the new translations and 14 titles have been removed which could not be found in “The Table” or other sources.
In addition we have added support for “Live Tiles” in Windows 8 and Windows Phone. This feature allows updates and daily reading fragments from the Family Altar to be shown directly on the home screen. In order to enable this feature, the site has to be “pinned” to the home screen.
The following sermons have been added:
- Ongeloof hindert God niet (Unbelief does not hinder God)
- De bediening uitleggen (Explaining the ministry)
- Leven (Life)
- Inwijding (Dedication)
- De weg terug (The way back)
- Investeringen (Investments)
- Waarom moesten het herders zijn? (Why was it shepherds?)