
Index jaar 1959
- Wees zeker van God
59-04 Be certain of God
25-01-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-0125) - 59-05 Blind Bartimaeus
09-02-1959 San Juan, Puerto Rico (59-0209) - 59-06-a Simeon and Anna
11-02-1959 San Juan, Puerto Rico (59-0211) - Eng is de poort
59-07 Strait is the gate
01-03-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-0301M) - Wat doet gij hier?
59-08 What doest thou here?
01-03-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-0301E) - 59-11-a Water baptism
29-03-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-0329M) - 59-11 The sign of the Messiah
29-03-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-0329E) - 59-25-a Living, dying, buried, rising, coming
03-04-1959 Los Angeles, California (59-0403) - 59-10 Living, dying, buried, rising, coming
03-04-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-0403) - 59-16 What is the works of God?
04-04-1959 Los Angeles, California (59-0404) - 59-17 It wasn't so from the beginning
05-04-1959 Los Angeles, California (59-0405A) - 59-18 The queen of Sheba
05-04-1959 Los Angeles, California (59-0405E) - 59-19 New ministry (William Branham)
06-04-1959 Los Angeles, California (59-0406E) - 59-22 Led by the Spirit
07-04-1959 Los Angeles, California (59-0407) - 59-21 Blind Bartimaeus
08-04-1959 Los Angeles, California (59-0408) - 59-31-a Mary's belief
09-04-1959 Los Angeles, California (59-0409) - Ziende het ongeziene
59-23 Looking at the unseen
10-04-1959 Los Angeles, California (59-0410) - 59-24 Watching His star
11-04-1959 Los Angeles, California (59-0411E) - 59-25 Be certain of God
12-04-1959 Los Angeles, California (59-0412A) - 59-24-a What hearest thou, Elijah?
12-04-1959 Los Angeles, California (59-0412E) - 59-26 Thirsting for life
14-04-1959 Los Angeles, California (59-0414) - 59-27 God's provided way
15-04-1959 Los Angeles, California (59-0415A) - 59-28 The faith of Abraham
15-04-1959 Los Angeles, California (59-0415E) - 59-29 El-Shaddai
16-04-1959 Los Angeles, California (59-0416) - 59-30 Jehovah-Jireh
17-04-1959 Los Angeles, California (59-0417) - 59-31 A time of decision
18-04-1959 Los Angeles, California (59-0418) - 59-32-a My life story
19-04-1959 Los Angeles, California (59-0419A) - 59-32 Show us the Father and it will satisfy us
19-04-1959 Los Angeles, California (59-0419E) - 59-32-d We would see Jesus
22-04-1959 San Jose, California (59-0422) - 59-32-e Abraham's seed
23-04-1959 San Jose, California (59-0423) - 59-32-f The faith of Abraham
24-04-1959 San Jose, California (59-0424A) - 59-32-g Hear ye Him
24-04-1959 San Jose, California (59-0424E) - Moederdag
59-35 Mother's day
10-05-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-0510M) - 59-34 Who is This
10-05-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-0510E) - Beeltenissen van Christus
59-35-e Images of Christ
25-05-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-0525) - 59-36 What hearest thou, Elijah?
09-06-1959 Chicago, Illinois (59-0609) - 59-42 As I thought on my way
10-06-1959 Chicago, Illinois (59-0610) - 59-38 The time of decision
11-06-1959 Chicago, Illinois (59-0611) - 59-39 All the days of our life
12-06-1959 Chicago, Illinois (59-0612) - 59-40 Thirsting for life
13-06-1959 Chicago, Illinois (59-0613) - 59-41 Balm in gilead
14-06-1959 Chicago, Illinois (59-0614) - Een door de wereld misleide kerk
59-45 A deceived church, by the world
28-06-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-0628M) - Vragen en antwoorden, deel 7
59-46 Questions and answers
28-06-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-0628E) - 59-46-g Thinking on our way
06-07-1959 Cleveland, Tennessee (59-0706) - 59-46-h Balm in Gilead
07-07-1959 Cleveland, Tennessee (59-0707) - 59-46-j Dedication of building, to the Lord
08-07-1959 Cleveland, Tennessee (59-0708M) - 59-46-i Be certain of God
08-07-1959 Cleveland, Tennessee (59-0708E) - Totale bevrijding
59-47 A total deliverance
12-07-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-0711) - Zonder geld en zonder prijs
59-48 Without money or without price
02-08-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-0802) - 59-51 The reaction to an action
10-08-1959 Chatauqua, Ohio (59-0810) - 59-50 Prophet like unto Moses
11-08-1959 Chatauqua, Ohio (59-0811) - 59-51-a It is I, be not afraid
11-08-1959 Chatauqua, Ohio (59-0811) - Het lichaam des Heren onderscheidend
59-52 Discerning the Lord's body
12-08-1959 Chatauqua, Ohio (59-0812) - 59-53 Why?
13-08-1959 Chatauqua, Ohio (59-0813) - 59-54 As I thought on my ways
14-08-1959 Chatauqua, Ohio (59-0814) - 59-55 As the eagle stirreth up her nest
15-08-1959 Chatauqua, Ohio (59-0815) - Rups, sprinkhaan, kever, kruidworm
59-56 Palmerworm, locust, cankerworm, caterpillar
23-08-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-0823) - Het planten van de wijnstok
59-57 Planting the vine and where to plant it
20-09-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-0920) - 59-58 What went ye out to see?
01-10-1959 Utica, Indiana (59-1001) - 59-59 Who is This?
04-10-1959 Clarksville, Indiana (59-1004M) - 59-60 Why cry? speak!
04-10-1959 Clarksville, Indiana (59-1004E) - Eekhoorns worden geschapen
08-10-1959 Indiana - Eekhoorns worden geschapen
06-11-1959 Kentucky - De twee zonen van zuster Hattie worden gered
07-11-1959 Depauw, Indiana - 59-61 Possessing the enemy's gates
08-11-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-1108) - 59-63 My new ministry
15-11-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-1115) - 59-64 A prophet like unto Moses
20-11-1959 San Jose, California (59-1120) - 59-64-a Thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemy
21-11-1959 San Jose, California (59-1121) - Wie is dit?
59-74 Who is this?
22-11-1959 San Jose, California (59-1122) - 59-67 Speak to this mountain
23-11-1959 San Jose, California (59-1123) - 59-68 Balm in Gilead
24-11-1959 San Jose, California (59-1124) - 59-69 From the beginning is wasn't so
25-11-1959 San Jose, California (59-1125) - 59-71 Jehovah of miracles
26-11-1959 San Jose, California (59-1126) - 59-73 Blind Bartimaeus
27-11-1959 San Jose, California (59-1127) - 59-70 Door to the heart
28-11-1959 San Jose, California (59-1128) - 59-75 Let us see God
29-11-1959 San Jose, California (59-1129) - Wat is de Heilige Geest?
59-76 What is the Holy Ghost?
16-12-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-1216) - Waarvoor werd de Heilige Geest gegeven?
59-77 What the Holy Ghost was given for
17-12-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-1217) - 59-79 Questions and answers on the Holy Ghost
19-12-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-1219) - Conferentie met God
59-80 Conference with God
20-12-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-1220M) - Geïdentificeerd met Christus
59-81 Identified with Christ
20-12-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-1220E) - Vragen en antwoorden
59-83 Questions and answers
23-12-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-1223) - Een superteken
59-84 A super sign
27-12-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-1227M) - Een super zintuig
59-85 Faith is the sixth sense
27-12-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-1227E) - 59-87 And from that time
31-12-1959 Jeffersonville, Indiana (59-1231)