Index jaar 1960
- 60-02-b Conference with God
08-01-1960 Tifton, Georgia (60-0108) - 60-02-c Sirs, we would see Jesus
09-01-1960 Tifton, Georgia (60-0109) - 60-03 The queen of Sheba
10-01-1960 Tifton, Georgia (60-0110) - 59-06 The revelation that was given to me
10-02-1960 San Juan, Puerto Rico (60-0210) - Horen, herkennen, en handelen op het Woord van God
60-05 Hearing, recognizing, acting on the Word of God
21-02-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-0221) - 60-06 Conferences
28-02-1960 Phoenix, Arizona (60-0228) - De naderende storm
60-08 The oncoming storm
29-02-1960 Phoenix, Arizona (60-0229) - 60-07 He careth for you
01-03-1960 Phoenix, Arizona (60-0301) - 60-09 From that time
02-03-1960 Phoenix, Arizona (60-0302) - Vroege en spade regen
60-10 Former and latter rain
03-03-1960 Phoenix, Arizona (60-0303) - 60-11 Thirsting for life
04-03-1960 Phoenix, Arizona (60-0304) - 60-12 Be not afraid, it is I
05-03-1960 Phoenix, Arizona (60-0305) - 60-13 It wasn't so from the beginning
06-03-1960 Phoenix, Arizona (60-0306) - Onderscheiding van de Geest
60-14 Discernment of Spirit
08-03-1960 Phoenix, Arizona (60-0308) - 60-15 Why?
09-03-1960 Phoenix, Arizona (60-0309) - Elia en het spijsoffer
60-17 Elijah and the meal-offering
10-03-1960 Phoenix, Arizona (60-0310) - 60-16 Mary's belief
11-03-1960 Phoenix, Arizona (60-0311) - 60-18 Door to the heart
12-03-1960 Phoenix, Arizona (60-0312) - 60-19 Hear ye Him
13-03-1960 Phoenix, Arizona (60-0313) - 60-22-b The unchangeable God
26-03-1960 Tulsa, Oklahoma (60-0326) - 60-20 Is there anything too hard for the Lord?
28-03-1960 Tulsa, Oklahoma (60-0328) - 60-22-c It is I, be not afraid
29-03-1960 Tulsa, Oklahoma (60-0329) - 60-23 Blind Bartimaeus
30-03-1960 Tulsa, Oklahoma (60-0330) - 60-24 From that time
31-03-1960 Tulsa, Oklahoma (60-0331) - 60-25 Why?
01-04-1960 Tulsa, Oklahoma (60-0401M) - 60-26 The queen of Sheba
01-04-1960 Tulsa, Oklahoma (60-0401E) - 60-21 Believest thou this?
02-04-1960 Tulsa, Oklahoma (60-0402) - 60-27 As the eagle stirreth
03-04-1960 Tulsa, Oklahoma (60-0403) - Ik weet... Paas-zonsopgang
60-28 I know
17-04-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-0417S) - Ga het vertellen
60-29 Go tell
17-04-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-0417M) - Opname voorbij het gordijn van de tijd
08-05-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana - De verworpen Koning
60-31 Rejected King
15-05-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-0515M) - De parallel tussen Efeze en Jozua
60-32 Ephesians parallels Joshua
15-05-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-0515E) - Gemanifesteerde zonen Gods
60-33 Manifested sons of God
18-05-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-0518) - De aanneming
60-34 Adoption
22-05-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-0522M) - Het voorbestemde geheimenis van Zijn wil
60-35 Predestinated mystery of His will
22-05-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-0522E) - Tot Wie zullen wij gaan?
60-35-b To Whom shall we go?
04-06-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-0604) - 60-36 To whom can we go
06-06-1960 Chatauqua, Ohio (60-0606) - 60-38 Hearing, receiving and acting
07-06-1960 Chatauqua, Ohio (60-0607) - 60-39 Having conferences
08-06-1960 Chatauqua, Ohio (60-0608) - 60-40 Be not afraid
09-06-1960 Chatauqua, Ohio (60-0609) - 60-41 The rejected King
10-06-1960 Chatauqua, Ohio (60-0610) - 60-42 Fellowship
11-06-1960 Middletown, Ohio (60-0611B) - Geloof is het zesde zintuig
60-43 Faith is the sixth sense
11-06-1960 Chatauqua, Ohio (60-0611E) - 60-44 Speak to this rock
12-06-1960 Chatauqua, Ohio (60-0612) - De onfeilbare werkelijkheid van de levende God
60-44-h The unfailing realities of the living God
26-06-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-0626) - 60-22-a God's provided approach to Devine fellowship
30-06-1960 Tulsa, Oklahoma (60-0630) - 60-45 Sir, we would see Jesus
08-07-1960 Klamath Falls, Oregon (60-0708) - 60-46 God's provided way of approach to fellowship
09-07-1960 Klamath Falls, Oregon (60-0709) - 60-47 The queen of Sheba
10-07-1960 Klamath Falls, Oregon (60-0710) - 60-47-a The door inside the door
11-07-1960 Klamath Falls, Oregon (60-0711) - 60-48 Hear ye Him
12-07-1960 Klamath Falls, Oregon (60-0712) - 60-49 Blind Bartimaeus
13-07-1960 Klamath Falls, Oregon (60-0713) - 60-50 From that time
16-07-1960 Klamath Falls, Oregon (60-0716) - 60-51 Be not afraid
17-07-1960 Klamath Falls, Oregon (60-0717) - 60-53 It is I
20-07-1960 Lakeport, California (60-0720) - 60-54 Watchman, what of the night?
22-07-1960 Lakeport, California (60-0722) - 60-55 Speak to the Rock and it shall give forth His water
23-07-1960 Lakeport, California (60-0723) - 60-56 The unchangeable Word of God
24-07-1960 Lakeport, California (60-0724) - 60-56-c What it takes to overcome all unbelief: our faith
29-07-1960 Yakima, Washington (60-0729) - 60-56-e Show us the Father and it will satisfy us
31-07-1960 Yakima, Washington (60-0731) - 60-56-g El-Shaddai
02-08-1960 Yakima, Washington (60-0802) - 60-56-h Abraham
03-08-1960 Yakima, Washington (60-0803) - 60-57 As the eagle stirreth up her nest
04-08-1960 Yakima, Washington (60-0804) - 60-59 Lamb and Dove
05-08-1960 Yakima, Washington (60-0805) - 60-60 Hear ye Him
06-08-1960 Yakima, Washington (60-0806) - 60-60-b Debate on tongues
07-08-1960 Yakima, Washington (60-0807) - Zoals Ik was met Mozes, zo zal Ik met u zijn
60-62 As I was with Moses, so will I be with thee
11-09-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-0911M) - Vijf vaststaande kenmerken van de ware gemeente van de levende God
60-63 Five definite identifications of the true church of the living God
11-09-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-0911E) - Die dag op Golgotha
60-64 That day on Calvary
25-09-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-0925) - Visioenen van William Branham
60-65 Visions of William Branham
30-09-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-0930) - De Bloedverwant Verlosser
60-66 The Kinsman Redeemer
02-10-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-1002) - Bastaard religie
60-67 Hybrid religion
13-11-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-1113) - 60-68 It is I
24-11-1960 Shreveport, Louisiana (60-1124) - 60-69 Conference
25-11-1960 Shreveport, Louisiana (60-1125) - Waarom? Balsem in Gilead
60-70 Why?
26-11-1960 Shreveport, Louisiana (60-1126) - Van den beginne was het niet zo
60-71 It wasn't so from the beginning
27-11-1960 Shreveport, Louisiana (60-1127M) - 60-72 The queen of the south
27-11-1960 Shreveport, Louisiana (60-1127E) - De openbaring van Jezus Christus
60-73 The revelation of Jesus Christ
04-12-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-1204M) - Het visioen op Patmos
60-74 The Patmos vision
04-12-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-1204E) - Het gemeente tijdperk van Efeze
60-75 The Ephesian church age
05-12-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-1205) - Het gemeente tijdperk van Smyrna
60-76 The Smyrnaean church age
06-12-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-1206) - Het gemeente tijdperk van Pergamus
60-77 The Pergamean church age
07-12-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-1207E) - Het gemeente tijdperk van Thyatire
60-78 The Thyatirean church age
08-12-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-1208) - Het gemeente tijdperk van Sardis
60-79 The Sardisean church age
09-12-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-1209) - Het gemeente tijdperk van Filadelfia
60-80 The Philadelphian church age
10-12-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-1210) - De tien maagden en de honderdvierenveertig duizend Joden
60-82 The ten virgins and the hundred and forty-four thousand jews
11-12-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-1211M) - Het gemeente tijdperk van Laodicéa
60-81 The Laodicean church age
11-12-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-1211E) - Het onzekere geluid
60-83 The uncertain sound
18-12-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-1218) - Gods verpakte Gave
60-84 God's wrapped Gift
25-12-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-1225) - Openbaring 4
60-85 Revelation, chapter four #1
31-12-1960 Jeffersonville, Indiana (60-1231)